Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Let me off

I have a bunch of stuff to blog about and no energy or time to do it with.

I blew right past my one year blogging anniversary (May 4th for those that might know).

I haven't been to knit group since they moved it.

I have new yarn to blog about, I got to see the Yarn Harlot this past weekend. I finally got to meet Rachel, and have pictures to prove it. I survived Green Bay and seeing my parents for the first time in three years. I still have my job.

I'll get caught up at some point. There just need to be more hours in the day, a husband that isn't sick and a body that isn't throwing me for a massive curve right now.

Let me simply say this. I want off this roller coaster ride for a much needed rest. Something needs to start cooperating NOW, be it hormones, the foster licensing process or yarn. I don't care. Just something. Because I'm about to lose patience with all of it and knitting is not helping for the first time ever.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Rachel's a sweetie. I was a newcomer to the knitting group at Purlescence about a year ago, when I suddenly realized that Rachel there was THE No-Blog Rachel (with a blog). She had great fun watching me being so stunned.