Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Be careful what you wish for

Had appointment.

Surgery is scheduled....


Yes, I want the mass gone.

Yes, I want to know what the he77 it is.

No, I'm not actually prepared to find out.

So my next two days just turned into a timing nightmare.


6:30 - drag arse out of bed
7:15 - leave for work
7:50 - get first dose of hot cocoa
9:00 - (yeah right) get second dose
11:15 - leave for pre-op appointment
2:00 - hopefully back in office - spend rest of afternoon making sure all my work stuff is covered while I'm out - I JUST know I'll miss something
4:30 - leave for pre Harlot signing dinner and a parking space
10:00 - hopefully home with all four books signed since I have to be at hospital Friday morning at 8:30 and I won't sleep a wink.


7:00 - drag arse out of bed
8:00 - leave for hospital
10:30 - I BETTER be asleep because that's when the hysteroscopy starts
Rest of day - no freaking clue. Just h
ope to be home and resting with news that it is NOT something that couldn't be removed or something they couldn't do anything about.

Next two weeks - wait for biopsy results

Sigh. June just got REALLY sucky.


Unknown said...

Dear Tiny Tyrant, My friends and I will be at Yarn Harlot tomorrow at Copperfields, (amongst hundreds of others I'm so hoping). We were also thinking a fine place with character, such as McNears, would be good for knitting and beers. We are up for joining post-Harlot revelry. I'm not sure how we wld find each other, I am Barbara and my friend is Trudie...but I'll print out your pix and perhaps spot you in the bigbig crowd and give you a shout!
Hope to find you tomorrow.

Mandy Petersen said...

I got to your site from the Yarn Harlot's, so I obviously don't know you or anything. However, I wanted to wish you luck with your mass removal. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm sure you're terribly frightened. It will be over sooner than you thought and hopefully with good news!


Susan O'D said...

Dear Tiny Tyrant,
I came to your blog from YarnHarlot, and I want to say something about the wait for pathology results after your surgery that I hope will reduce the anxiety somewhat. I had a similar experience 13 years ago, where at my annual gyn exam, the doctor discovered a mass so large that she couldn't complete the exam.

Surgery was scheduled for the following week (the surgeon rescheduled someone else so he could take me), and of course I was freaked out too. I could tell the surgeon was worried that it would be something terrible, but my gynecologist, whom I trusted completely, assured me that it was not malignant. She said the mass had not been there at my previous year's exam, and, she said, "Cancer does not grow that fast." She was right--it was a large, fluid-filled cyst.

So the fact that it grew so fast is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact it may be a good thing (if it had to happen at all, that is).

By now you will have had your surgery. I hope it went well, and I hope you got answers to some of your questions. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Taunya said...

I LOVE the way I found your blog again! Front page and center on Yarn Harlot! This is a very good way to end your week!

: )

AlisonH said...

Be well. Best of luck. I like Susan O'D's comment and second the motion. And for whatever it's worth, I faced the probably-terminal-diagnosis whole shebang 17 years ago, still got the disease, still doing just fine. Hang in there!