Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Talk about Score!

There are no pictures in today's post, because, well I'm lazy.

Got a call from my mother-in-law yesterday. She absolutely loves the Moebius I sent her for Mother's Day. She has decided that I get all her family quilts and needlework that has been passed down from generation to generation. Granted given that my husband is her only son, she doesn't have all that much choice in the matter. Hehe But it does help that she likes me.

I love making stuff for her because she just takes great pleasure from it.

So that was score number one.

Score number two was 4 balls (at 880 yards a piece) of Jojoland's Harmony superfine wool in HC10 - a neat varigated lime green. I love it! I have NO idea what I'm going to make with it, but it's mine all mine. I'll probably have to find a scary lace shawl to work it in. Eep!

This stuff is SO soft. My hands are still recovering from our wall building travails of the past couple of months and snag on just about anything. Not this. I cannot wait to play with it.

New to the needles today (okay last night) is a pair of fingerless gloves (using Koigu) that I realized I need to have done by this Saturday night. Thank goodness the ACM awards are on tonight and I can knit during the show.

I also just realized that one of my co-workers will be in town in a few weeks (she works out of our Jersey office) and I STILL haven't finished the crocheted shawl I started for her last year. Time to get cracking on that too. It's such a no brainer pattern, I don't know why I don't have it done yet.

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